Friday 29 November 2013

Project 2: Case Study: Islamic Architecture Buildings


Diversifying Principle: Architecture of Urf

Unifying Principle: Architecture with Iklas

Unifying Principle: Architecture of Ihtiram

Unifying Principle: Architecture of Ilm

Unifying Principle: Architecture of Iqtisad

Unifying Principle: Architecture of Dikr

Unifying Principle: Architecture of Haya

Unifying Principle: Architecture of Tawhid

Interview 1: Me(Raymond) and Puan Zuraini (worker at Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan)

Me: Selamat pagi cik. Cik saya dari Taylor University melawat masjid ini untuk buat analisis bagi subjek   
      Islamic Arhitecture. Boleh saya tanya serba sedikit soalan tentang masjid ini?

Puan Zuraini: Boleh boleh.

Me: Cik, bila masjid ini siap dibina?

Puan Zuraini: Tahun  2000 tapi bulan dan tarikhnya tak tahu la.

Me: Cik ada selalu datang ke Masjid ini sembahyang tak selain bekerja disini?

Puan Zuraini: ya ada.

Me: Cik ada rasa apa apa tak apabila masuk ke dalam masjid ini dan juga masa sembahyang?

Puan Zuraini: Rasa tenang, tak akan fikir apa apa macam seperti musibah akan pergi jauh jauh, dapat 
                   berhubung dengan yang maha berkuasa. Dapat pahala lah.

Me: Cik ada suka tempat tertentu dalam masjid ini untuk menunaikan solat ataupun duduk?

Puan Zuraini: Kalau ada masa suka la jalan-jalan kat lorong siar kaki sebab dekat dengan kolam air. Bunyi airnya dapat membawa kelembutan dan ketenangan lagipun air itu sentiasa sangat bersih. Kalau bersolat tak ada la. Mana mana pun sama.

Me: Tempat sembahyang lelaki dengan perempuan sama tak atau lain?

Puan Zuraini: Tak sama. Sebelah kanan tempat perempuan bersolat dan yang sebelah kiri adalah laki 
                    laki. Kat ruang solat utama perempuan solat kat depan dan laki laki kat belakang. Atas pun  
                    ada tapi hanya untuk perempuan.

Me: Ramai tak orang datang ke Masjid ini?

Puan Zuraini: Ya ramai. Ada orang cina dan india yang beragama islam juga datang ke sini untuk 
                   sembahyang. Pelancong juga ada. Hari jumaat, sabtu dengan ahad paling ramai la orang.

Me: Tempat ini baru baru saja diubah suai? Ada sebab kenapa tempat ini nak diubah suai?

Puan Zuraini: Ya baru baru saja. Kalau sebabnya tak berapa tahu la tapi saya rasa tempat ini diubah suai 
                   sebab nak memperbaiki dan membaik pulih tempat tempat yang rosak and mencantikkanya 
                   supaya lebih ramai la orang datang.

Me: Halaman masjid ini ada digunakan tak?

Puan Zuraini: Ada. Kalau ada aktiviti seperti kenduri, halaman ini ada digunakan la.

Me: oh macam itu. Baiklah cik, terima kasih ya.

Puan Zuranini: Sama sama nak.

Interview 2: Me(Raymond) and Puan Suhaida (Muslimah come to Masjid Wilayah Persekutuan to
                   perform her prayers)

 Me: Selamat pagi cik. Cik saya dari Taylor University melawat masjid ini untuk buat analisis bagi subjek
       Islamic Arhitecture. Boleh saya tanya serba sedikit soalan tentang masjid ini?

Puan Suhaida: Ya boleh. Tanyalah

Me: Cik selalu datang ke Masjid ini sembahyang?

Puan Suhaida: Ya selalu sebab tinggal dekat je.

Me: Orang senang tak kalau datang ke masjid ini? Katakan orang bukan dari tempat ini?

Puan Suhaida: Sangat senang. Masjid ini besar dan ramai orang kenal. Lagipun masjid ini terletak di 
                    depan jalan raya. Pintu gerbang masuk juga besar dan kelebihannya masjid ini sentiasa 
                    dibuka dan orang luar juga boleh masuk kedalam tapi kenalah senyap ditempat 
                    sembahyang dan janganlah bising sangat. Selain itu kena berpakaian yang ditetapkan.

Me: Apa yang cik rasa tentang masjid ini? Macam dari segi seni binanya.

Puan Suhaida: Cantik. Salah satu masjid yang paling cantik di Malaysia. Waktu malam bila lampu semua 
                     dibuka, Masjid ini cantik bagaikan syurga. Sangat tenang bila berada disini la. Ada kolam 
                     air. Kalau pejam mata dan menghayati bunyi pancutan air rasa sangat tenang dan dapat 
                     berhubung dengan Allah.

Me: Cik ada suka tempat tertentu dalam masjid ini untuk menunaikan solat ataupun duduk?

Puan Suhaida: Kalau tempat sembahyang cik suka bersembahyang kat ruang solat utama. Sebabnya 
                     bahagian dalam ruang ini dihiasi dengan lampu-lampu cantik. Ia mengeluarkan cahaya 
                     bergemerlapan. Ada juga lampu candelier yang digantung di tengah yang membuat ruang 
                     ini sangat terserlah.

Me: Apa keunikan masjid ini dari segi perspektif cik?

Puan Suhaida: hmmm, Cik rasa hiasan dan tatahias luaran dan dalaman Masjid Wilayah ini berasaskan 
                     kayu dan batu. Tak banyak la ada masjid guna kayu dengan batu. Ukiran-ukirannya pada 
                     kayu juga unik dapat dilihat pada pintu, tingkap dan sebahagian jeriji di dinding masjid. 

Me: Baiklah cik, terima kasih ya atas masa yang diberikan untuk menjawab soalan yang ditujukan.

Puan Suhaida: Sama sama. Alhamdulilah jawapan ini dapat membantu.


Based on the 2 interviews, both individuals felt peace when they are in this mosque, and they felt the presence of God, Allah. The interplay of light by taking the advantage of natural daylight as well as artificial light to create a certain emotion also plays a huge role where it able to create close relationship between God and provoke sensory experience where people are more likely likes to be at. The mosque is located in a strategic location as well where it act as to unify people to come and perform prayers due to its easy accessible. The unique part of this mosque is that it incorporated wood carvings on doors, windows and partition. The mosque does not feel hot at all due to it is surrounded with water features such as fountains and pool and also the presence of courtyard. 

Friday 15 November 2013

Lecture 5

Islamic Architecture Principle of Urf

Contrasting with the 7 Islamic architecture principle, the Principle of Urf is known as the "7 unifying principle" which is the basis fundamental characteristic that makes the building similar to one another. Principle of Urf is the diversifying principle that makes one Islamic Architecture unique among each other. Basically, it is how the design respond to local context.

The Great Mosque of Xi'an

The Great Mosque of Xi'an is located in China. It is the oldest and one of the most renowned mosque in the country, founded in 742. However, the majority of the existing Xi’an Great Mosque was constructed during the Ming Dynasty and further expanded in the Qing Dynasty. Unlike most mosques in Middle Eastern or Arab countries, the Great Mosque of Xi'an is completely Chinese in its construction and architectural style, except for some Arabic lettering and decorations, for the mosque has neither domes nor traditional-style minarets.

Friday 11 October 2013

Project 1 Research Time-line Analysis (Persian Architecture)

Individual Component: Analysis of the 7 principles of Jameh Mosque of Isfahan

The Jameh Mosque of Isfahan known as Masjid-i Jami'-i Isfahan in Persian is located 340km south of Tehran, the capital of Iran. It is known to be the Friday Mosque of Isfahan and it was built during the Seljuk rule where it became a prominent architectural expression of the Seljuk rule in Persia. The Jameh Mosque is one of the oldest mosques still standing in Iran and it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2012.

Architecture of Tawhid

The four-iwan architectural style, placing four gates face to face are not of equal importance and is reflected through different dimensions, structure, and decorative motifs. Visually, it is flanked by two towers and referred to in the vernacular as sofe-e saheb or "the high dignified space of the master" and was deliberately enlarged above the others to emphasize the direction of qibla. 

Architecture of Ihtiram

The Jameh Mosque of Isfahan hypostyle plan that dates back to the tenth-century existed on the site. Consequently, the mosque's plan evolved from a hypostyle plan with a rectangular inner court 65 by 55 meters surrounded by prayer halls comprised of round columns carrying a wooden roof. It represent the idea of the center and each face is corresponding to the primary direction of nadir, zenith and the cordinal point of the universe.

Architecture of Sincerity

The court comprise two-story arcade acting as 2-D screen decorated with glazed bricks forming floral and geometric patterns in dark and light blue, white, and yellow. The four elevations of the court are flat screens, but  also embody passageways that lead to the different sacred spaces of the mosque and the profane, living spaces of the city. 

Architecture of Iqtisad

The arches of the two-story arcade are symmetrically arranged around the four iwans situated in the center of each one of the four walls, and uniformly equal in height, except the two bays flanking the eastern iwan, which rise higher than the other arches. Th northern dome is an epitome of mathematical perfection, evident in the harmony of its horizontal and vertical divisions, and it is achieved by a hierarchy of the fitting of its parts and adhering to the Golden Section.

Architecture of Ilm

Inscription bands decorate the mihrab date mainly from the time of Shah Tahmasp (reg. 1531-32) and Shah Abbas II (reg. 1642-67).  The two words are dominant in these inscriptions: ta'mir (to restore) and taz'yin (to decorate). The inscriptions come from Quranic passages praising the power of God, or venerating the names of Shi'ite imams. The iwan's ceiling dates from the 15th century; most of its walls are covered with Safavid statements.

Architecture of Dikr

The amalgam of decoration compositions produced by the variety of brick patterns, the meticulous work in carved stucco, colored panels of floral, geometric and epigraphic motifs, all render the Friday mosque of Isfahan a highlight of Seljuk architecture.

Architecture of Haya

The north-east dome of the Jameh Mosque of Isfahan served as a private prayer space, a women's mosque. Smaller in size and placed on the same lateral longitudinal axis as the southwest dome, the northeast dome rests on a square base of square, massive piers, with an octagonal transitional zone formed by four squinches, on top of which rests another zone of sixteen arches with a drum comprising an inscription band with religious inscription.

Group Component: Timeline of the Persian Architecture

Friday 4 October 2013

Lecture 4

Architecture for Iqtisad (Balance)

The essence of Islamic architecture is to achieve delicate balance between functional and spiritual elements. Harmony is created through the point of intersection where the stability of the soul is achieved which is beneficial to one. As the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W states,

"the best way is the middle good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately...and always adopt a middle, moderate regular course whereby you will reachyour target (paradise)".

Balance is defined as a condition where different elements are equal or in the right proportions. In architecture, balance can be achieved by moderating balance between built and nature. The considerations of these two elements have a profound impact on architecture. Courtyards manage to accomplish balance to the building. At the aesthetics point of view, balance is achieved through ornamentations. Shapes and geometry in Islamic architecture is proportionate, order, and always harmony.

Lavatera Arborea: 3 folded leaves, 5 petal flower, heads of 8 seed

Golden ratio rule is applied in most of the Islamic architecture

Geometric ornaments

The Taj Mahal is one of the best example of Islamic Architecture that exemplifies the 
Architecture for Iqtisad

Architecture of Haya’ (Modesty)

Haya' is defined as the quality or state of being unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities. It is the preservation of dignity where it can be achieved in Islamic architecture by having it based around the central core and having an open court that not only serves an environmental purpose but also addresses the different roles and responsibilities of the sexes.

Looking at the Islamic architecture, the Mashrabiyya preserves the dignity of the Muslim women. It allows the right "to see" and not to "be seen". It is a type of projecting oriel window enclosed with carved wood lattice work located on the second storey of a building or perhaps higher. It is often lined with stained glass. The women inside the building are given the freedom to carry out their activities with a sense of privacy.

 Mashrabiyya from the outside

 Mashrabiyya from the inside 

Architecture as Dikr (Remembrance)

Islamic building should be an aid to remembrance of AllahBuilding pillar upon pillar, arcade upon arcade is a rhythmic precision mirrored in the contemplative chanting of God’s innumerable attributes/zikr is known as Architecture of Monotony. It is a rhythmic precision mirrored in the contemplative chanting of God’s innumerable attributes. The manifestation of contemplation maintains a sense of unity through the rhythm which is seen as the eternal and infinite nature of God’s essence.

"lt has a portico of surpassing the soul of a believer, immersed in the remembrance of God..."

In Islamic Architecture, it is encouraged to repeat elements just to remind people of God. As elements, are repeated, the reminder is repeated. The use of ornaments, pillars, arches, and many more is often repeated in Islamic Architecture. 

Inscription on the wall of the Alhambra, Granada, Spain

Repetitive elements (Alhambra, Granada, Spain)